The world is a hilarious place. Joy can be found in the most unlikely of places. All you have to do is look for it.
One such oppurtunity is; the photo bomb. Chances are we have all been involved in one, be it intentionally or not, we have all been the bomber or the bombee.
What is a photo bomb you ask? Let's ask They always know...
Photo Bombing: The fine art of ruining other people's photos. Usually by running in the background or making a silly face in the background. Stealing the focus from an otherwise normal picture in a hilarious or terrifying manner.
There are many ways a bomb can be accomplished. Sometimes it's just a hilarious reaction caught on film:
Or a photo snapped to intentional catch some hijinks while the subjects are unwitting:
But sometimes. It's just good timing...
A photo bomb can really be accomplished by anyone.
The Young:
The Old:
The Famous:
The Inanimate:
The Wild:
And in some cases: God.
So the next time you're out taking a picture, be aware of your surroundings. Ther are oppurtunities for hilarious moments EVERYWHERE!!
The picture right under the "Young" category is just creepy. I think we just pinpointed the anti-christ.
Posted by: Cyanobacter316 | 03/11/2010 at 04:42 AM